9 Most Effective Ways To Improve Your Conversion Rates Fast

9 Most Effective Ways To Improve Your Conversion Rates Fast

Building a website or landing page and driving traffic to it doesn’t guarantee you to have a good conversion rate. But obtaining conversions is the key to generate revenue for any business. So if you are here looking for ways to increase your conversion rates then you are in the right place as we would be discussing some effective ways to improve them.

Conversion Rate can be defined as the ratio of the number of people who take specific action to the total number of people who visited that particular page/site. The action can be as simple as clicking on a button to making a purchase. The process of improving the conversion rate is called Conversion Rate optimization.

Most marketers focus on things like Content Marketing, Paid Campaigns, etc by preparing amazing strategies that can drive traffic to the websites or landing pages. But your content marketing efforts or advertising budget would be of use when you can convert the traffic into a lead or customer.

Only a few marketers like you think about improving the conversion rates and glad that you are here. Small tweaks on a site or landing page can increase the number of conversions rapidly without much effort. Now let me share with you some of the most effective ways that can improve conversions.

The headline is the thing that a person would see when they visit your website. You must focus on creating a compelling headline that would grab their attention and make them go through your landing page. Using power words in your headline would make them more effective than without them.

Always remember you should be able to convey a message to the reader in a concise manner. You can also A/B test different types of headlines to find out the best performing one based on the data you obtain and scale the campaign using that on your landing page.

2. Visually Appealing Design and Layout:

The design of a landing page should be professional with consistent usage of all the brand-related elements like the fonts, logo, brand colors, etc. With a visually appealing design, you would be able to build trust among the visitors of your website.

The layout should have proper navigation in place if it is a website that you are using. If your goal is to sell a product then avoid using things like sidebar widgets, irrelevant products, links, etc. Not just these but remove any kind of element on your page that is not useful for the visitor. You can make use of tools like Hotjar to understand visitor behavior on your site.

Always remember a confused customer never buys anything. So it is better to remove any kind of distraction to increase your conversions. Just make sure that it is responsive across all kinds of devices like mobiles, tablets, etc apart from the desktop.

3. Clearly Communicate Your Value Proposition:

This is one of the most important things that can drastically affect the conversion rates in your campaigns. People always check what value you provide and how your product/service helps them before taking action.

Crafting a compelling value proposition and communicating it clearly through the content on the page is not that easy. It should convey what they are going to get and how you are different from your competition.

Before planning to craft the value proposition, as a marketer, you must make a thorough research about the benefits of the product/services that you are planning to sell and how they can transform their current situation. Additionally, you should check the competitors selling similar things to know the dimensions

Once you craft the value proposition make sure that it communicates the value you provide. However, you would be able to understand how well it would communicate with the reader only based on the performance. Refining the words and A/B testing the value proposition is the key to improve your conversions.

4. Trust Elements:

Trust Elements can play a major especially when you need a visitor to make a transaction on your site. There are many but we shall discuss the most important things that can affect the number of conversions.

SSL Certificate: Having an SSL certificate properly installed on your website is one of the most important aspect that you should take care of because most popular search engines warn people before they actually visit your site. Additionally, it can help with the SEO of your site as Google considers it as one of the ranking factors.

Contact Details: Adding the contact details such as your address, phone number, social media handles, etc related to your business on your site would make your business look more trustworthy especially when the visitors are not aware about your business.

Trust Badges: When you are planning to sell online, it is important to add trust badges on your site so that they don’t need to worry about the safety of their payment details that they should provide to complete their purchase. If you are into selling products then it would be wise to have the trust badges below your Call-To-Action buttons.

5. Proof:

Proving what you claim is true is the best way to build credibility about your product or service and sell them. There are different kinds of proof that one can showcase on their site to boost credibility such as

Social Proof: Social Proof notification saying Someone purchased the product/service from your site is an amazing strategy. There are many social proof tools for this purpose such as Provely. Additionally, you can share the number of customers that you have or served in the past especially when the number is in thousands.

Testimonials: One testimonial from a real human would make your business more trustworthy because people trust them more than the information provided by the brands. If you are into service business you can request your customer sharing their experience about using your service. If you are into product-based you can get a review from the customer describing the usefulness of your product.

Certification of Standards: When you are selling any physical product then you might get any kind of standard certification issued by the Government or well-recognized Third-party organizations. Adding such things can definitely help in convincing a visitor to buy.

6. Keeping things simple:

Even though you make a lot of effort in crafting the landing page if someone needs to spend a lot of time figuring out how to make a purchase then it might not help you convert the visitor. Guiding your visitors at every step is essential for providing a better experience for them.

Additionally, you need to request only the most important details in the order forms so that there would be less friction. Because most get overwhelmed seeing a lot of fields at once to fill. You can even show form fields step-by-step so it would be easy for them to fill.

7. Live chat and Chatbots:

How many times you were interested in an offer but wanted to get your query answered before making the purchase? Well, live chat is highly useful because it would make it easy for the prospects to contact and get their queries resolved immediately thus helping you get a conversion.

If you don’t have a team to answer immediately through live chat then you can install chatbots that can answer the most common questions related to your offer. They are interactive and available 24*7 for potential customers.

8. Multiple Payment Methods:

If you are selling online, then you must provide the prospects to pay through different methods especially that are popular in your region because everyone might not have a credit card or a PayPal account.Providing multiple payment options like wallets, debit cards, etc would make it easy to convert the people into your customer.

9. Strong and Clear Call-To-Action:

The color of a Call-To-Action should stand out from the color of the entire web page design otherwise people might not take the desired action after viewing your page. The CTA button copy must be compelling and strong enough to make them take action. However, you should test using different CTA and find the best one among them.

Conclusion: Ways to Improve Conversion Rates

Focusing on conversion rate optimization is essential to drive the best results from the efforts you have made to drive the traffic to the website/landing page. Conversion rates of a landing page/website can be increased by adding trust elements, social proof, chatbots, etc. Also, you need to A/B test the elements like headline, CTA, etc, and find which can improve your conversions.

With over 7 years of experience as a Digital Marketing Consultant in India, I have improved conversion rates on the landing pages of our clients increasing their ROI. I have a team of well-experienced professional digital marketers who can grow your business. Please feel free to get in touch for more details.


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