
Online shopping is pictured to expand by more than 10 percent this holiday season. And expects more from social media to catch consumer’s attention. As with any sales event, you can be sure that retailers will be clamoring for shopper’s attention. And when it comes to sales events Black Friday, is a shopper’s dream come true as every business offers discounts and other incentives to shop. It kicks to start the holiday shopping season, and it is the time of the year, where merchants and retailers roll out their big marketing campaigns.

So, whether you are just curious to check out some of the very best Black Friday Marketing campaigns of all time or are looking for a push for your campaigns, we have put together the list beneath.

1) Plan and Coordinate Your Social Media Platform for Black Friday Sale

While designing your social media approach, it is good to combine efforts for all social media profiles. All your social media account must coordinate to ensure all profile pictures, bios, banners, descriptions, and links are updated to advertise your Black Friday promotions.

Below are a few optimization ideas:

  • Cover photos are the foremost thing people witness on your social media platform. Create a custom one for each of your profiles to broadcast your sale.
  • Modernize your bio to include a direct link to your dedicated Black Friday landing page.
  • You must also pin corresponding tweets or posts on social media handles to announce the best deal to keep it on audience view continuously.

2) Construct a Sense of Urgency

Most shoppers do have a natural sense of urgency during Black Friday. A simple yet effective way to create a sense of urgency in e-commerce marketing is to sprinkle time throughout your social media content. Words like “Now” or “Today” trigger people to think something is in limited supply and provoke customers to take instantaneous action. Showing a time running out clock beside your product can add extra focus and gain more attention from the viewers instantly. And for those audiences looking for quick deals, you can catch them with ease for benefitting both. 

3) Concoct a targeted gift guides

When it comes to picking gifts for family and friends, it is always challenging. But you can make it more effortless for your customers by creating a series of gift directions aimed at various segments of your target audience. Promote these guides using paid Facebook ads that reach specific audience segments. A similar or recommended audience has the highest possibility to change your investment into conversion and adding a gift to your promotions can instantly boost your sales for black Friday. 


Black Friday Sale

4) Utilize dedicated hashtags

Remember to do some hashtag research before you plan your media campaigns. Hashtags play a crucial role in getting more impressions from trending and engaging audiences. While Black Friday does have some obvious, hashtags but it’s worth finding out what trending hashtag we can use in your post. Choose hashtags that are relevant to your deals and use them in every media post, upgrading your sales.

 Black Friday is the blockbuster time to catch user attention. With thanksgiving and new year, it is the most enjoyable and cherished time of the year. You can entice them to match with their pockets and get premium deals at the lowest prices. Hashtags add that extra focus and attention to your promotional materials for boosting up at an alarming rate. 

5) Leverage the Power of Emotions

Humans are inherently emotional beings, and they like to share their feelings with their family and friends on social media. If you want to embed emotions in the content of your social media post to get attention, then get it right, and your post may go viral. And with festivities all around, you have many options to give people their best deal of the year on this black Friday and build memorable feelings for long time connections. 

Emotions are the single largest factor to drive humans. One positive sentiment if you can attach with their product and it will stay in their memories forever. Binding your brand with its taste, likeliness, and future recommendations. So make sure to give them an extra reason to connect with you on this black Friday. 

6) Plan and schedule your posts

In this world of growing social media generation, timing is everything. A well-timed post can make a difference between creating social media magic and an e-commerce marketing ploy that falls on deaf ears. When you are preparing for Black Friday, it is always good to start early, plan your campaign, create and schedule your media post well in advance.

If you are selling on e-commerce platforms like e-bay, Shopify, woo commerce, you can use a tool like Around.io which, helps you create a post directly from your product listings.

Three reasons why you should schedule your media post:

  • When all your content at once made, your messaging and designs will be consistent.
  • You can schedule your pasts at times that best reach your target audience.
  • You must give more emphasis on the busiest months that gives the maximum sale for your business products or services. 
  • You can use the storytelling concept to keep the viewer guessing and engaged on the posts to gain their optimum exposure. 
  • Social media algorithm adds extra value to your business value and gains more reach as well. 

7) Extend your offer to Cyber Monday

Even though most Black Friday Sale Campaigns apply to brick and mortar and online stores, cyber Monday emerged as a follow-up shopping holiday focused on e-commerce sales. In the last few years, Cyber Monday deals have become a part of the Black Friday Sale campaigns.

Concentrate your communication on letting customers know that they can still get amazing discounts, even if they missed Black Friday Sale offers. Try to add more value or added benefit to further woo customers and gain exceptional sales for this year on Black Friday. 

8) Offer free shipping

On Black Friday Sale, discounts are pretty much standard across the board. So, why not add a little additional frill and win more customers over? With a higher than usual volume of orders, you would not want to upset customers by not delivering their purchase on time. And free shipping is a great way to add to your black Friday sale on this occasion and keep adding more customers for your business. 

Especially for customers staying in the far end corners of their state, this free shipping gives them an added advantage to buying more during the Black Friday sale. You can further target social media campaigns to reach potential new customers and gain a significant market for competing with top brands. 

9) Add freebies to purchase

Everybody loves a gift. If you are preparing to add it to purchases as part of your holiday sale, make it known, Build it into your social media plan and watch your followers become customers. 

Especially for old customers, you can give them an added advantage and gain more by giving them free deals to match with their recommended products. 

10) Give customers a reason to come back

You will finish the day with a high order count if your offer is attractive. But, a black Friday sale is like a gift that keeps on giving-it can bring customers back for more shopping before the holiday season ends. Look out for trending products or services that have become quite popular in your market. Offer bundle services to reach you and get the best deals this Black Friday. 

Let people know about the special promo by using your exceptional channels. You can also use automated moderation chatbots to send private messages to all users that reply to your post with a defined comment. Software today has shown vast improvement in the last few years to set automated replies to bring enhanced sales and exceptional engagement for campaigns. The continuous response also leads to improved returned customers for businesses as well. 

Conclusive Thoughts

Consistently access how your social media content is reverberating with customers. Make sure to reschedule the post that is getting a ton of engagement. An early start is always essential so start generating buzz around your upcoming deals in advance. Countdowns, sneak peeks, lists, and hashtags are great things to do! Once it builds hype in the market, make sure your team is available to provide shoppers with exceptional customer service on social media.

One of the easiest tools to maximize sales is to have instant response and quick problem-solving. Finally, make sure to measure the results of your social media marketing campaigns. You can use analytic and lead capturing tools for in-depth performance insights and conclude an even more booming Black Friday Sale.


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